Admin Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:37 pm
Hi Chachie.
Using the device to heat a transfer fluid should work well. You could place multiple collectors in series to get pretty much any energy input you wanted, tho unless you're collecting at a lower altitudinal point than your garage you'll need to use a pump. Not that that's really a problem.
A while back I looked into various oils as heat transfer fluids, but can't recall the numbers off the top of my head. It's surprisingly hard to find boiling point data for vegetable oils, but you wouldn't be getting anywhere near them for this application anyway, and smoke points shouldn't be an issue in an anaerobic environment.
I remember that the best oil performance wise was castor oil, but it's expensive. There was one very cheap and common oil which looked like it would work well, maybe sunflower, maybe cannola, something like that. Anti freeze doesn't work as well as you may have been lead to believe, motor oil and similar would be good if you want to pay for it.
No idea on freezing points, but generally the higher the boiling, the lower the freezing, and unless it get very seriously cold where you are there should be something that'll work.
Keep in mind that concentrated solar technology does require direct sunlight. Not so much for the energy content as the optics. So it'll work fine on a clear winter day, but any cloud will kill it.